
Monday, 7 April 2014


Hey guys! I haven't spoken to you in so long and I'm so sorry about that. I love talking to you guys, telling you what's on my mind; but life gets in the way and I'm not always available to tell you what i'm up to, what products I like or in this case, what film/book I have been loving.


In the UK Divergent came out on Friday the 4th, I'm a massive fan of the book series written by Veronica Roth and the series is one that you can get really emotionally attached to. I love book that are set in the future (dystopia) because I love to read peoples perceptions of what our future as humans will be like. For those of you that don't know what Divergent is, it's about a character called Beatrice (Tris) who lives in a society where the city she lives is divided up into five factions: Erudite, Candor, Amity, Abnegation and Dauntless. All of these factions relate to a certain characteristic that the person acquires, so: intelligence, honesty, kindness, selflessness and bravery respectively. The book and film shows Tris, as a character, develop into something that everyone should aspire to be, I certainly have. She goes through certain problems that every teenage girl has gone through, just in a very different environment.

Being such a big fan of the series, I developed an emotional attachment to the characters and how they change in this beautiful love story (to an extent) as well as a battle for what they truly believe in. The film also has the most amazing soundtrack that truly depicts the feelings that the viewer is feeling at that specific point. The soundtrack features Ellie Goulding, M83 and Zedd as well as lots of other artists.

I would love to applaud the people responsible for casting these characters as they got the characters completely spot on. Shailene Woodley is playing Tris and Theo James is playing 'Four'. Both of these people are perfect for their characters, Shai knows exactly how to portray Tris and her journey of development whereas Theo James shows the true feelings of Four and how brave he is but also very sensitive. Apart from these two, my favourite casting has to be Kate Winslet as Jeanine Matthews. WOW. Again congratulations to the casting team, excellent choice.

After seeing the film, admittedly, I have watched way to many interviews with Shai and Theo, but I can honestly say that they are the most down to earth people I've ever seen. Shai has this wonderful organic lifestyle where she fetches her own water and buys local produce, she's also so open, funny and genuinely someone who I aspire to be. Theo is just a great guy, very funny but he does swear a lot, which is quite hilarious to an extent. Apart from his personality, he is a very good looking man, well done Theo's parents, you have quite the genes.

So if you haven't seen it already or read the books then I highly. highly recommend them.

Have you seen/read Divergent? What did you think of it?

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