
Thursday, 27 June 2013

Review: Real Techniques Expert Face Brush

Hey Lovelies!

Today I'm going to review the Real Techniques expert face brush by Samantha Chapman. Even though there are so many reviews on this brush, I thought that it would be a good idea for me to review it as it's another point of view to hear from.

The first thing that I'm going to say is, this is the best brush that I have ever bought. I love it a lot, and these are the reasons why:

1) Coverage: This brush makes a small amount of foundation go a long way. And it gets into every curve in your face making sure that every aspect of your face is completely covered. You may wonder, how does it do this? It's able to achieve this because of it's curved bristles, which are very handy indeed. The only problem I have with this brush, is that when I'm blending foundation into my skin, I feel like I am putting a lot of effort into doing it, I haven't had this with other brushes. 

2) Uses: I absolutely love this brush because I use it for my concealer and I also use it for liquid foundation therefore it is a multi-purpose brush, unlike some of the other brushes that I own. This means that I don't have to waste money on buying more brushes for every single part of my make-up; thank you real techniques!

3) Price: Obviously, this is what is on everyone's mind when they're buying make-up brushes, especially if you're of a young age when you don't have that much money to spend. However, this brush is a superb cost of £9.99, although I got it for £8.99 in Superdrug! Result! 

4) Quality: For a cheap brush the quality of it is outstanding. The bristles are so soft on the skin and don't shed when they are washed/deep-cleaned. Apparently, they are also cruelty-free which makes them even better. The handle is really nice, it's made of aluminium and is built for your hand so it's very comfortable. Another thing is that it stands up on it's own which I think is an added bonus!

Overall, I would thoroughly recommend buying this brush if you have £10 to spare or if you're looking for a new make-up brush. In the future, I really want to buy more of these brushes as they're really lovely to use and of such great quality. Personally, I would love to buy the blush brush and the travel essentials kit as I know I'd use those brushes a lot.

Thank you guys for reading! There will certainly be another blog post soon as I have plenty of time to spare now.

Another thing, if you don't follow me on bloglovin' please do, as Google reader and Google friend connect are shutting down very soon so please head over here ( and make sure you click the follow button so you don't miss out on any updates.

Please comment below on what you think of this post and if you want, suggest ideas for me to do in the future!

Thank you again

Bye lovelies!


Tuesday, 25 June 2013

What I wore: Restaurant

Hey lovelies! 

Today I went to a restaurant, so this gave me the perfect opportunity to dress nicely for a meal out! As I had a bit of time to spare I quickly photographed what I was wearing! 

I know the outfit's not summery but if you want to use this idea, you can change the colour of the skirt or jumper. I just thought as evening-wear, this would look quite nice. 

Jumper: H&M
Skirt: Topshop
Necklace: New Look

I'm also wearing lilac nail varnish from Barry M but you can't quite see that in these photos.

M&S - These aren't mine, they're borrowed from my mum

New Look

I wore the flat shoes, but these are the options that are avaliable to me. If you're looking for something more edgy, wear the boots. If you're looking for something more girly and more comfortable, go for flat shoes. If you want something more classy, try stiletto's; they make the outfit classy and an extra bonus is that they make your legs look thinner!

Thank you for reading, please  leave comments below telling me what you think of the outfit and if you think it could be improved in anyway! I'm always looking  for tips and advice!

Also guys, I've realised how much I need a DSLR! These picture aren't of great quality even when they've been edited, argh! I better start saving up.

Anyway, thank you again for reading!

Bye lovelies!


Monday, 24 June 2013

Bloglovin' and suggestions!

Hello my lovelies!

As you've probably seen (if you've visited my blog) I have joined bloglovin' as I've just found out that google reader is closing and I needed somewhere to read everyone's blogs so I found bloglovin'. Please give me a follow on bloglovin' so you can keep reading all my posts! You can follow me here: or click on the eiffel tower icon on the right hand side! 

I really need some suggestions on what to do on my blog to give me something to do over the summer. Also, it shows me what you guys want to read about so it helps all of us out! If you want to send me a suggestion please e-mail me (, tweet me, message me on tumblr or comment below! 

Thank you my lovelies! 

Hopefully, I'll be posting soon


Thursday, 20 June 2013

Day 3: London!

Hello lovelies!

I'm really sorry for the long wait for a blog post but I have been ever so busy finishing my exams, but now I am free until September! So i have 12 weeks of blogging and oh my, there will be lots and lots of blogging as I'm doing so so much this summer and I am very much looking forward to it! 

Today I went up to London with my mum and we walked and walked and walked. Therefore, right now, my feet are in so much pain! Ow! 

I thought I'd do a quick blogpost on Day 3 of my summer and show you where I went and what I wore throughout today! Let's get cracking! (Sorry for the picture quality, I stupidly forgot my camera)

So, I'll start with the most important bit which is what I wore! I was in a bit of a hurry today so I couldn't really decide what to wear! But here's what I wore:

Vest top: Miss Selfridge
Blazer: H&M
Shorts: New Look
Necklace: Accesorize
Satchel: Debenhams
Nail Varnish: 305 - Pink Flamingo by Barry M

Unfortunately, I bought most of this stuff at least over a year ago so I don't think much of it's available except the nail varnish which I bought yesterday and it was £2.99.  Apologies though, I know it's not the best look that I've thrown together but I thought it looked okay to walk around London, I promise better looks will be appearing on here very very soon! Also apologies for my face as I'm really not photogenic at all.

Tower Bridge!

I have been to London so many times but not once have I walked across Tower  Bridge! Tower Bridge is absolutely beautiful and I've always admired this amazing bridge and how it shuts and opens when tall boats pass through it. People have also tried to start the padlock trend, similar to those padlock bridges in Paris and I'm hoping that will start to increase over the years. But I'm hoping there won't be too many padlocks of tower bridge for them to ruin it.

St. Katherine's Dock

The boats that were in the docks.

My future ideal penthouse flat (which costs £5 million)
I'd never been to St. Katherine's Docks either but it is one of the most quiet and pretty places in the whole of London. There were boats everywhere, so many folding bridges and then there was the most quaint Starbucks in the middle of it all in a cylindrical building. It had the nicest views of boats and parts of London and a view of a rather nice looking American boy who was crossing one of the many bridges. 

The pretty Starbucks and my new favourite drink: Mocha Chocolate Cookie Frappucino
Favourite Picture

Now to show you my favourite picture that I took today and this was when I was just coming out of St Katherine's Docks: 

 What made this my favourite picture was the composition of the picture, I really loved how the statue was the foreground, the iconic tower bridge in the middle ground and then the Shard as the background. The view at the top of the shard is absolutely incredible so if you're going to London any time soon, do go up there it's amazing.

Thank you for reading this my lovelies! There will be more blogposts very very soon


Tuesday, 4 June 2013

I Have Fallen In Love

Well not romantically, because that would be extremely weird, falling in love with an inanimate object. But, I recently spotted something from Polaroid that I have been desperately hoping for, for about 6 billion years. It is the Polaroid printer! I know, street parties are now on the cards with balloons, party poppers and lots of food! This is probably the best thing Polaroid have produced, apart from their many amazing cameras that I have loved and have wanted since I was about 8. 

But Polaroid being Polaroid, my dreams are not going to come true anytime soon as this little gadget is worth more than an actual, full-size wireless printer with a scanner and photocopier and every other fancy printer aspect under the sun, which truly and deeply upsets me (damn you polaroid). This little gadget costs £99. Genuinely don't know why they didn't just round it up to £100 because that would make my life and everyone's lives much easier. But, alas, it becomes an, even more, tragic story because you have to buy the paper. Yet again, polaroid being polaroid,  have made the paper very expensive. It is £12.99 for a pack of thirty sheets. People may think 'oh, thirty sheets are a lot' YOU PEOPLE ARE WRONG. Being a huge lover of instagram, I take pictures whenever, wherever I can; so I have built up a rather large collection of photos that I can't print off, stored in a database somewhere. So at some point, I want to retrieve them and print them all off and be so happy that I could potentially fly with unicorns across a rainbow.

If any of you can afford such a wonderful piece of equipment that I desperately want, then you can buy it here:
Although, not gunna lie, I genuinely despise you if you can afford this.

Apart from that, this little printer is so great it makes me want to cry. One, it is portable so you can take it anywhere and everywhere. You can connect to it wirelessly or use a printer the traditional way (USB ports ftw!) And the photos print in 3x4 polaroid style in less than a minute. Let me take a break, I'm probably going to  cry now.

Anyway, thank you for reading this you beautiful beings! There is lots more to come so I'll be back to the normal fashion, beauty thing very soon! 

Lots of love


P.S I'm not going to post a picture because I am scared of copyright infringement.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Great Gatsby: What I Wore To The Cinema!

Hello Lovelies

I thought I'd do a quick blog post about what I wore to the cinema last night as I quite liked what I wore as it gave a retro feel.

This is the outfit that I wore last night, I stuck with the monochrome look but then wore red lipstick and had curled hair to give it that retro feel. The top that I'm wearing is from River Island and I got it a couple of years ago, I got the skirt as a present from Topshop, black tights you can get anywhere and the leather jacket was my mums in the 80's/90's. I added two rings, both from New Look, and wore my watch (which I always wear, which is from Argos) . I really liked this look as it captured the retro feel of Great Gatsby and I just loved wearing it!

I also wore some studded brogues that I got in a sale at River Island to accentuate the vintage look. I really like these shoes as they are so so so comfortable and they look really nice. Plus, the studs are superbly glued/stitched on, so they won't be coming off any time soon. 

To match the brown on the brogues, I also wore my brown/cream satchel from Primark! I also got this a long time ago after seeing it in Look and it was a complete bargain, as Primark always is. The cream bit canvas and the brown part is fake leather. 

Overall, I had a wonderful evening and Great Gatsby was so good and I now want to marry Leonardo DiCaprio. The cars in the film were amazing, not to mention the clothing and the makeup. Maybe, after all my exams are finished, I'll do a makeup tutorial on the 1920's makeup look and I also want to try finger curls as they look really difficult but I'm up for a challenge.

Also, sorry for the quality of the photographs, I had to quickly take photos of the outfit on my phone. I then edited them with a great app called Snapseed which is made by Nikon?

Thank you for reading! Please go and see Great Gatsby because it's such a great film and the soundtrack for the film was absolutely awesome.

Bye my lovelies!