Today I'm going to review the Real Techniques expert face brush by Samantha Chapman. Even though there are so many reviews on this brush, I thought that it would be a good idea for me to review it as it's another point of view to hear from.
The first thing that I'm going to say is, this is the best brush that I have ever bought. I love it a lot, and these are the reasons why:
1) Coverage: This brush makes a small amount of foundation go a long way. And it gets into every curve in your face making sure that every aspect of your face is completely covered. You may wonder, how does it do this? It's able to achieve this because of it's curved bristles, which are very handy indeed. The only problem I have with this brush, is that when I'm blending foundation into my skin, I feel like I am putting a lot of effort into doing it, I haven't had this with other brushes.
2) Uses: I absolutely love this brush because I use it for my concealer and I also use it for liquid foundation therefore it is a multi-purpose brush, unlike some of the other brushes that I own. This means that I don't have to waste money on buying more brushes for every single part of my make-up; thank you real techniques!
3) Price: Obviously, this is what is on everyone's mind when they're buying make-up brushes, especially if you're of a young age when you don't have that much money to spend. However, this brush is a superb cost of £9.99, although I got it for £8.99 in Superdrug! Result!
4) Quality: For a cheap brush the quality of it is outstanding. The bristles are so soft on the skin and don't shed when they are washed/deep-cleaned. Apparently, they are also cruelty-free which makes them even better. The handle is really nice, it's made of aluminium and is built for your hand so it's very comfortable. Another thing is that it stands up on it's own which I think is an added bonus!
Overall, I would thoroughly recommend buying this brush if you have £10 to spare or if you're looking for a new make-up brush. In the future, I really want to buy more of these brushes as they're really lovely to use and of such great quality. Personally, I would love to buy the blush brush and the travel essentials kit as I know I'd use those brushes a lot.
Thank you guys for reading! There will certainly be another blog post soon as I have plenty of time to spare now.
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Bye lovelies!